Share Notes June 2, 2022

Share Notes June 2, 2022

CSA Share Notes:

Welcome to another CSA share! The spring season is winding down and summer crops are right around the corner.

If you haven’t snatched a spot in our Summer season yet, we’re about 3/4 filled. You can head here to register:  If you choose not to register for the next season, no sweat! Your Spring shares will come to an end in another week or two.

Now on to your vegetable line up.

  • Fennel—This crop is a delight every spring. Crunchy, bright, sweet, and so delicious. We will only have it a time or two each year, so to help you make the most of it, we suggest you scope out this great fennel blog post. The key is to slice it super thin, almost shaved. So tasty.
  • Cauliflower—Ok so this one needs a bit of explanation. You’re going to open your box and initially think we gave you junk cauliflower. We didn’t!  We’ve been taste testing it all week and it’s delicious.  The cauliflower plant really cannot tolerate hot temperatures and when it’s hot, it a) starts to turn a yellow-ish or even purple color, and b) tries to produce flowers, spreading out the cauliflower heads into a wacky, coral-looking plant. It tastes good, so give it a go.  But also, use it up quickly! It’s not in its’ prime state given the unseasonably warm conditions it grew in. We don’t expect it to store long. I suggest a cauliflower curry with chick peas and carrots.
  • Potatoes— a mixture of 2 different kinds, Red Lasota and All Purple (yes, that’s its name!) And you guessed it, it’s purple all the way through. Try each one in a mixed potato hash and you’ll discover their different flavors and textures
  • Radishes—Watermelon radish for the large and regular shares. Their pretty hot pink centers make a showing addition to your plate.
  • Kale—Large shares only. Did you whip up a batch of potato salad yet? Because this truly spectacular pesto potato salad might be just perfect.
  • Mixed turnips— An assortment of Scarlet Queen, Hakurei, and purple top to wrap up our turnip harvest for the season. Make a big pan of mixed roasted veggies this week!
  • Broccoli— Mini shares only. This crop finished up quick in the heat, but we’ve got a little left for you!
  • Onions— 3 for the Large, 2 for the regular, and 1 for the mini.  A great staple we’ll have all summer long.
  • Cabbage—Purple cabbages this week for the Large and Mini, and Caraflex conical cabbage for the regular. Larges also received a pretty savoy leaved cabbage, too.  All tasty and perfect for a slaw.  We also love to make a big pot of “stew” with potatoes, carrots, cabbage, and andouille sausage or kielbasa. This dish is perfect in a crock pot or a big dutch oven

Veggie Storage tips:

Most everything will keep longest stored in the fridge sealed up in produce bags.  Potatoes and onions prefer room temperature. If stored in the dark, they will begin to sprout, but don’t give them too much light, either, or their skin will begin to green. Everything else wants to be in your refrigerator. All root crops should be severed from their tops to keep the roots from getting rubbery, and the greens stored separately, sealed up to stay fresh. Everything will need a gentle washing before cooking, but leave the dirt on until you’re ready to use them to prevent spoilage.

We’d love to hear stories and recipes of your culinary adventures this week. Send us a note or post a comment of how you’ve used your CSA share.

Your farmers, Jess & Justin

Regular Share

Regular Share left to right: Fennel on left side. center column: mixed potatoes, mixed turnips, caraflex cabbage. right column: watermelon radishes, onions, and cauliflower.


Large Share

Large Share top left to right: cauliflower, mixed kale, mixed potatoes (middle row) fennel, watermelon radishes, onions. (bottom row) mixed turnips, savoy leaved cabbage and purple cabbage.

Mini Share

 Mini share: top left to right: broccoli cauliflower, fennel (bottow row) mixed potatoes, purple cabbage, onion.