What’s a CSA?

Community-Supported Agriculture is simply that: a farming model built around you, the consumer, and your community. CSA members commit to buying fresh farm produce for a season—this is called your share—and your farmers commit to growing that food for you. This contract ensures a steady stream of freshly harvested vegetables for you and a livelihood for your community farm. It’s also a great way to feel connected to the seasons and their bounty, and maybe even make friends with vegetable strangers along the way (turnips, anyone?).

What’s special about Red Moon Farm’s CSA?

Red Moon Farm grows what we sell. This may seem obvious, but it’s actually become a common practice for farms to buy produce from other regions to offer a year-round CSA or fill out a lean growing season. We get it: it’s tough to grow food in Texas. But when the farmer plays middle-man between you and your food, it takes you one step further away from the source. Here at Red Moon Farm, we believe you’ve joined our CSA because you want to support the local farms here, where you live, and because you have faith in us specifically: in our methods and philosophy, and you trust that our food is fresh, clean, and local.

How do I join?

Read our Farmer-Member Agreement before Joining the CSA!