No Unsacred Places: A New Farming Ethic
There are no unsacred places, says Wendell Berry; there are only sacred places and desecrated places. We’ve been doing this a while now, 10 years under the banner of Red Moon Farm, and 5 years before that from Waco, TX,…

The Farm Family is GROWING!
We’ve been growing something extra special on the farm this year and we’re happy to share the news with our members. Baby Bullock will arrive sometime in December! Photography by A Little Bit Of Joy Photography in Lindale,…

The CSA Scholarship
You may remember that we launched our C.S.A. scholarship program this past spring. And you remember what C.S.A. stands for, right? Community. Supported. Agriculture. We care deeply about the community we live in, and are so grateful that the community…

The Red Moon Farm CSA Scholarship Program
You remember what C.S.A. stands for, right? Community. Supported. Agriculture. Being a part of a CSA means that you’ve joined with your local community members to financially support local farming, and in return, you receive a fresh share of the harvest…

Announcing: Gardening Workshops!
The farm’s got some exciting stuff up its sleeve for you this spring! While gearing up for the CSA season, we know many of you are plotting and planning your own home gardens or container gardens as well. Growing food in…

Rosemary Mint Ice Cream
Hand-churning is where it’s at with this ice cream. Taking things slow and investing a bit of elbow grease into your meal just seems to make things taste even better. This special treat was served at our Farm Dinner this…

Living Richly
I know this breakfast doesn’t look like much at first, so I’ll explain. As farmers, Justin and I have never expected to be wealthy. We know this isn’t the life of nice cars, expensive travel, and frequent luxuries, but almost…

Community in Response to Tornado Crisis
Justin and I want to thank you for all the kind words and offers of assistance many of you gave since last Monday when the tornado struck our community in Van, TX. We are so relieved that we experienced no…

Autumn Potluck Picnic
Everyone had a great time out at Red Moon Farm this weekend. The weather was cool and lovely and the potluck offerings were over the top! Be sure to catch the next potluck! See ya next…
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