Roasted Radishes, Peppers, & Garlic
During this lucky and brief window of October and early November, the summer crops are on their way out and the fall crops are just beginning. It’s a very rare occasion that nature gives us bell peppers and radishes at the same time, or eggplant and sweet potatoes, or tomatoes and mustard greens, etc. etc. When these worlds collide in early fall, we are lucky indeed! Unique flavor and texture pairings open up to us. While there aren’t too many recipes that feature radishes and peppers paired together, they compliment one another so nicely. Eat up!
Roasted Radishes, Peppers, & Garlic
You can use any amounts of these vegetable that you have on hand, but here’s how I did it:
4-6 beautiful bell peppers, in any color
8-9 radishes
5 cloves of garlic
sea salt
olive oil
- Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Trim the tops and tiny root off of the radishes then scrub the dirt off. If your radishes are small, leave them whole for a lovely look, or halve or quarter them if they’re quite large. Toss with a little olive oil and sea salt and place them on a baking sheet. Roast for 10 minutes.
- Meanwhile, wash and chop the peppers into large bite-sized pieces. Peel the garlic and cut any large cloves in half of thirds. Toss all in olive oil and a bit of sea salt.
- After the radishes have pre-roasted for 10 minutes, flip them over and add the peppers and garlic to the same baking sheet in a single layer. Roast all together for another 30-35 minutes, until all are tender and caramelizing, checking periodically for too much browning.
- You can serve immediately, while warm, or make a day ahead and refrigerate. Try this mix in another dish like a quiche or frittata, a tart, or another wonderful recipe.