Share Notes 6-1-17
CSA Share Notes:
We’ve got a great line up for you this week! And the coming summer CSA season is still open for registration. If you want to enjoy tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, cucumbers, beans, squash, melon, okra and more, just head over here to get yourself signed up!
Now on to your box!
- Escarole—This crop is a european green that resembles lettuce but has a different leaf shape. It is excellent chopped into a salad, or you can quarter and grill it, brushed with olive oil like in this very simple Jessica Seinfeld recipe. It’s a treat.
- Beets—We are so excited to finally have beets for you! Several Red Ace, which are solid dark red, and one or two Chioggia beets, which look like a bullseye when you slice through them. We have struggled to grow beets in the soil of Red Moon Farm, in ways we haven’t at other properties, but at long last, we’ve done it! I have to recommend my favorite, FAVORITE way to eat beets (please don’t be scared, just try it) My Beet Spread with Fennel and Pine Nuts. (pro tip: add a sprinkling of tasty globs of fresh goat chèvre upon serving) serve with pita chips, crusty baguette slices, or rice crackers.
- Lettuce—All shares received a large green head of lettuce called Muir (like John Muir). It’s a great late spring variety that resists turning bitter in the heat.
- Arugula—a fresh bag for each share. This is likely the end of the arugula!
- Kohlrabi—Large shares received two monstrous green kohlrabi, and small shares a couple of lovely purple kohlrabi. If you haven’t tried them crisp and raw yet, give it a go! Peel, quarter and core out the center, slice into thin wedges and sprinkle with lemon and salt. They’re fantastic.
- Kale—Red Russian variety for the large shares, Winterbor curly kale for the small shares.
- Broccoli—The broccoli is winding down for sure, but we still had enough to give some to the large shares this week, and hopefully we’ll send it to the small shares next week.
- Cabbage—Large shares received caraflex, a gorgeous cone shaped heirloom cabbage. And small shares received a savoy leaf cabbage, wrinkly and crinkly. These dense little guys are tasty and beautiful.
- Carrots—an assorted mix of our pale yellow, dark orange, and crimson colored carrots! Which color do you like best?
Veggie Storage tips:
The cabbage needs just a few outer leaves removed to get to the meat of the cabbage. The many leafy greens will last longest stored in the refrigerator, sealed up in bags to retain their moisture. All your root crops, including kohlrabi, should be severed from their tops to keep the roots from getting rubbery. They can then also go sealed up in the fridge to stay crisp and the tops can be stored like other greens. Everything will need a gentle washing before cooking, but leave the dirt on until you’re ready to use them.
We’d love to hear stories and recipes of your culinary adventures this week. Send us a note or post a comment of how you’ve used your CSA share.
Your farmers,
Jess & Justin