Beet Spread with Fennel and Pine Nuts
*Updated recipe 2024* Beets are not an easy crop to grow in our East Texas soils. We’ve experimented with many different methods of germination, we’ve directly seeded them into the field, and tried transplanting, we’ve fiddled with the fertility and…

2 week countdown and sneak peek
Harvests Starting Soon! The countdown is on! We’re about 2 weeks (possibly 3 weeks) from our first Spring CSA harvest and we’re starting to get very excited for what’s in store for our CSA members this year. Check out…

No Unsacred Places: A New Farming Ethic
There are no unsacred places, says Wendell Berry; there are only sacred places and desecrated places. We’ve been doing this a while now, 10 years under the banner of Red Moon Farm, and 5 years before that from Waco, TX,…

Springtime Quiche with Scapes, Chard, and Leeks
Garlic scapes, Leeks, Swiss Chard- three of my springtime favorites. What’s really great about this recipe is that it serves up crops that a) pair perfectly together, flavor-wise, and b) use crops that our CSA members often feel like the…

Kohlrabi Cole Slaw with Poppyseed Dressing
“What in the world do I do with this weird octopus root!” You say? We’ve found some great recipes for kohlrabi over the seasons and we’ve come to adore this unique vegetable. The kohlrabi is a member of…

Shredded Chicken and Roasted Chickpea Tacos with Garden Veggies
When you have access to the best grass-based meat around, you need to cherish and savor it. We’ve been enjoying the boneless skinless chicken breasts from Lonesome Lady Ranch, both for the convenience (so much faster and easier than cooking…

Rosemary Mint Ice Cream
Hand-churning is where it’s at with this ice cream. Taking things slow and investing a bit of elbow grease into your meal just seems to make things taste even better. This special treat was served at our Farm Dinner this…

Honeyed Bourbon Lemonade
This light, refreshing adult beverage uses our local Studinka Family Honey (If you’re curious, “Studinka” is Jessica’s maiden name. Her dad is the bee tender at Red Moon Farm!) We served up this delicious cocktail at the Farm Dinner this…

Quick Pickled Radishes
A beautiful and simple jar of pickled radishes graced every table at our Farm Dinner this past weekend. If you missed out on this great dinner, it was loads of fun. Make sure you hit the next one! Pickling is…
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