Share Notes 5-17-18
CSA Share Notes: We’ve got a great line up for you this week (the boxes are busting!) and an exciting announcement! Beginning now, you can join the summer season. Woohoo! You can sign up and reserve your summer share by…

Share Notes 5-3-18
CSA Share Notes: We’ve got a great share for you. We hope you love what the garden has provided for you this week. Kale—The small shares received Red Russian kale, tender and great for fresh eating. Collard—The large shares received collard…

Share Notes 4-26-18
CSA Share Notes: Welcome to your first harvest of the Red Moon Farm spring CSA! This weather has been absolutely incredible for working outdoors, remaining cool and breezy for us, we’ve hardly broken a sweat. With all the cool and…

Share Notes 11-30-17
CSA Share Notes: The fall crops are doing really well with more new varieties ready every week. Our lovely head lettuces and first cabbages are now mature, and more root crops are on their way. We should have carrots in…

Share Notes 11-16-17
CSA Share Notes: Here’s this week’s Vegetable line-up! This week the harvest is a bit lighter than recent weeks. In most years we still have eggplant, peppers, and tomatoes to give you this late into the season, but an early…

2014 Fall Share #3
Share Notes: Mustard Greens—Red Giant. Eaten raw, these spicy greens pack quite a punch, but wilted with the kale or collards, they mellow and add a wonderful turnipy flavor to your greens. Do you notice a few bug holes? These…
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