Share Notes Dec. 12th, 2024

With a critical member of our team out for a women’s wilderness trip (Go moms, go!) we aren’t getting a blog post written this week. Luckily, there are no entirely new items. Every item that has been packed in the shares this week has been given out to at least one of the share sizes in the past 3 or 4 weeks.

If you need a little help identifying your goodies, look back at prior share notes and scroll all the way to the bottom to find that weeks’ photos till you spy the item in question. Then you can read that photo description to help you identify your items. I’m guessing the white hakurei turnips and the red scarlet queen turnips are likely to trip a few people up, they often do!


Have a lovely week and a beautiful holiday season filled with family, we’ll be back to feeding you just as soon as possible.