Summer Veggie Green Curry
This dish is a seasonal standard in our house, the flavors are just so yummy. Plus this is a great way to clean out your summer refrigerator or to try a vegetable you’re unfamiliar with. If you think you don’t…

Summer Eggplant Rounds
This is a simple and lovely way to use up summer veggies and to really test out creative combinations. Earlier in the summer you can add zucchini rounds or large summer squash rounds in on top of the eggplant and…

Fridge Pickles with Fennel and Mustard Seeds
I remember pickling day at Grandma’s house, and I loved having the pickles on hand for months afterward. But. Isn’t it nice to have a quick alternative—we’re talking 5-minutes-quick—when you really want pickles right now and you don’t have the…

Zucchini Malfatti with Stewed Tomato
These rustic Italian dumplings are called malfatti, which literally translates as “badly made”—thus giving us permission to be very imperfect cooks. Whip up a loose dough, lob a spoonful in a mound of flour, and drop it in the pot….

Onion cauliflower tart
At our member potluck on June 1 we had some great dishes shared with us featuring vegetables from Red Moon Farm’s CSA boxes. This was our own offering: a messy tart made with caramelized onions, roasted cauliflower and plenty of…

Kale Pesto Potato Salad
This was a contribution at our member potluck on June 1. It’s a great way to use up excess greens. As a substitute for kale in the pesto, you could use the tops from radish, turnips, or beets. You could…

Massaged Kale Salad
As Kale plants mature, the leaves can take on a dense, more cruciferous texture at which point eating it raw can be tough on the stomach. Giving these leaves a good rub breaks down the cellulose, but maintains the nutritive…

Rainbow Kale Salad with Lentils
This is how we used up the last of our red Russian kale that had actually, quite literally, turned red in the last frost of spring. The result was a rainbow of a salad—yellow flecks of lemon zest, spots of…

Sesame Noodles with Bok Choy
This is the perfect dish to pack with the power of raw greens. Because you’re slicing the leaves so thinly, you can get away with serving raw the heartier greens that you’d normally feel compelled to cook before eating. Their…

Roasted Broccoli Salad with Lemon and Pistachio
We’re still in that flash-pan weather zone between winter and summer, when the sun teases us all day but the cold rises with the dark. The vegetable garden is balanced at this threshold as well, still growing those hearty winter…
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