2013 Fall CSA Share #4

2013 Fall CSA Share #4

Here’s this week’s Fall CSA share!  See what your box holds this week.

  • Hakurei Turnips- This Asian variety produces beautiful round globes, tender and sweet.  These are our favorite because their flavor is unmatched! The greens are also edible, but they don’t get nearly as large as your traditional southern purple top turnip.
  • Lettuce- you may find some frost damaged leaves, and sadly, our lettuce did quite poorly this fall. We probably won’t have lettuce again until spring. You’ll want to take it out of the bag, rinse, and allow to dry before storing sealed in the fridge. Too much moisture sealed in will cause the lettuce to become slimy quickly.
  • Swiss Chard- One of the most beautiful greens! This vegetable pairs so well with beef dishes, and lots of onion and garlic.  Store sealed in a bag in the fridge.
  • Young mustard mix- This is a variety of 8 different Asian greens, selected for their flavor, texture, and beauty.  You can mix these leaves into a fresh salad, or if you don’t like the heat of them raw, try them cooked.  We love the flavor of this mix!
  • Daikon Radishes- White and slender. Before storing in the fridge, cut off the top to keep the root crisp.Wash just before use. Some of the leaves are damaged from frost, just pick those off before storing.  Tops are also edible! Try cooking them with your hakurei turnip tops.
  • Sweet Potatoes- Store at room temp and don’t wash until ready to use.
  • Kale- Greens are so high in minerals and vitamins, I try to work them into most meals in creative ways. Store sealed in a bag in the fridge.


Large Share


In this week’s large share: (clockwise) Hakurei Turnips, Sweet Potatoes, Mustard Mix, Red Russian Kale, Swiss Chard, Daikon Radishes, and purple lettuce just above the radishes.

Small Share


In this week’s small share: (clockwise)  Sweet Potatoes, Mustard Mix, Swiss Chard, Red Russian Kale, Daikon Radishes, purple lettuce, and Hakurei Turnips.